West Des Moines Lodge #2752 presents $2000 Check to the Urbandale Food Pantry
On December 22nd, Cliff Morris, Loyal Knight and Anna Marie Nielsen, Exalted Ruler presented the Spotlight Grant worth $2,000.00 to the Urbandale Food Pantry. The Urbandale Food Pantry is open to all Urbandale Residents following a short intake interview by the staff. During the month of November, a record high of over 1500 families were provided with food to feed their families. The number of families provided for has gone up dramatically over the last few years and this year the pantry breaks the record daily. The Urbandale Food Pantry partners with many businesses and private organizations like the WDM Elks. Our donation of $2000.00 from the Spotlight Grant will help the food pantry purchase items such as diapers, soap, personal items and other necessities that cannot be bought with the Snap cards which can purchase many food items. A special “thank-you” goes out to Greg “Radar” Weinschenk for taking the time and dedication to complete the application for the Spotlight Grant. Thank-you to all our Members who donate to ENF (Elk’s National Foundation each year-making these Grants possible!Patty Sneddon Kisting, Executive Director of The Urbandale Food Pantry was very appreciative of our donation.