This link is for a lesson plan from George Gengler, State Drug Awareness Chairman This is part of tools of the If you click...
ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL ANNUAL VETERANS CHRISTMAS PROJECT THANK YOU MEMBERS!! Our largest annual veterans project each year is our Christmas Giving Tree Project. This project includes providing Christmas gifts and food gift...
On December 22nd, Cliff Morris, Loyal Knight and Anna Marie Nielsen, Exalted Ruler presented the Spotlight Grant worth $2,000.00 to the Urbandale Food Pantry. The Urbandale...
Perry Iowa Elks Lodge No. 407 recently donated $500 from their charitable giving account to the Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church Sleep Space program. Sleep Space...
Stanton 4th Grader, Tristan Kinser, wins Iowa Elks Drug Awareness Poster Contest (Picture: Red Oak Lodge, #1304 Elks John Bruce and Loyal Knight Brad Baker...
Perry Iowa Elks Lodge No. 407 recently donated $500 from their charitable giving account to the Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church Sleep Space program. Sleep Space...
Eric Whipple President of the Iowa Elks Association
A twenty-year member of the Charles City Elks Lodge #418, 45 year-old Eric Whipple started in the Tiler seat for his first officer position in 2012. He then had the pleasure of completing each of the four primary officer chairs culminating in 2017 as Exalted Ruler. Eric committed to serving five more years as a Lodge Trustee after his ER year. Throughout the years Eric has served as Chairperson of the Activities Committee and Flag Day Committee; is currently a member of the Scholarship Committee; and is the current Chairperson of the local PER Association as well as the State Major Project Committee at #418. Eric also serves as the Vice President of the Charles City Elks Charitable Trust Board.
At the State level, he served as the Northeast District Vice President in 2021-22, and President Elect in 2023-24. In between those two State positions, Eric was Esquire to PDDGER Wertman for the Northeast District. Eric also became the Iowa Northeast District Chairperson for Public Relations in 2022, a position that he still holds.
Eric has selected his motto to be “Taking the Future of Elkdom by Storm”. In an effort to continue Past State President Elsberry’s initiatives, Eric hopes to focus on the importance of getting our youth involved within the local Lodges to create long-lasting memories of the Elks. In doing this he hopes that, when they are old enough, they will join one of our Lodges because of the fond memories they have. Eric believes that one of the best and easiest ways to accomplish this is to have current members bring their children and grandchildren to enjoy the many family-oriented events that the Elks have to offer. Also on the radar this year: encouraging local Lodges to look into, and at least begin implementing, an Antlers program which will even better solidify the potential of our youth to join our great Order and foster growth within each of our Lodges.
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